Monday, July 4, 2011

Day Two Recap

It was a great relief to have a worthy but not strenuous challenge for today. Day One's challenge exhausted me!

If you read the challenge literally, I probably should only have written the letter IF my room was already organized. And when I went to bed Friday night, I intended to do a lot of cleaning on Saturday.

But that didn't happen. I had time to run some errands and go to an improv class that I really enjoy going to, and then I started work on the challenge. I picked my 7th and 8th grade English teacher Mrs. Kennedy, because she was a fantastic teacher, because that was when I first started to notice my interests heading more to English than other subjects, and most of all, because Mrs. Kennedy taught me everything I ever needed to know about grammar. We spent two years in her class diagramming sentences left and right, learning about grammar and practicing good structure until it was in our blood. I literally learned nothing new about grammar in all of high school English classes. It wasn't until my junior year of college when I took a Advanced Grammar class that I learned some new stuff, and it was all theory (yuck!).

I wrote my letter telling her how awesome she was as a teacher, but the hard part proved to be finding an address for her. I haven't seen her since spring 1995, 16 years ago. I know she left Edmond a few years after I had her, and I thought I'd heard she moved to Hawaii. I called my friend Amanda (who can find ANYONE on facebook/internet) and she informed me Mrs. Kennedy moved to Dallas, not Hawaii. She was working on an address but wasn't able to locate one.

I did my own google search, but got nothing. So, since Shane and Anna's challenge specifically stated I should drop the letter in the mail that same day, I carried the letter out to the mailbox, dropped it in, then picked it up and brought it back inside. So I'm still waiting to see if I can find an address for her. If you know of a current address for Lauren Kennedy, former (and possibly still) English teacher, please let me know!
Here she is in 1995.

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